Battlestar Galactica: The Series

The Sci-Fi channel premiered the start of their re-imagining of Battlestar Galactica. When they aired the mini-series back in December of ’03. I enjoyed it, I don’t agree with all the changes they’ve made (Starbuck a woman? there is something just not right with that thought) I still found it entertaining, and at long last, they’ve begun airing the series here in the US (apparently, most of the season has already aired in Europe). They had a two hour premier Friday night (2 one hour episodes ran back to back). They appear to have kept up the good quality of work from the mini-series, and I’m looking forward to seeing how they evolve it as a series

Star Wars: Battlefront

Aspyr announced yesterday that they will be porting Star Wars: Battlefront to the Mac, with an estimated release of June of 2005. The game looks good, you get to fight in pretty much every major battle that has happened in the SW films so far. And you can pick which side to be on, from choosing to be an Ewok throwing rocks at Stormtroopers, to battle droids slaughtering Jedi at Geonosis. I’m thrilled its coming out, and if I remember the release date of the Playstation/PC versions its only taking like 8 months to port it to the Mac…which isn’t as good as a simultaneous release, but its better then never being ported..

Now..if they would just announce that they are already working on the port for Knights of the Old Republic 2… so that it can be a close to simultaneous release with the PC version……

Comcast DVR take 2

From looking at the referral logs, I know a lot of people end up here by looking for info on Comcast’s cable box/DVR unit. I’ve requested Comcast get me one, and they’re sending a tech out later this week with it (apparently, it requires top secret, special cable guy training to plug in and turn on their DVR) since they don’t allow people to go into any of their locations and pick one up themselves. After I have a chance to play with it, I’ll post a review, and compare it to my TiVo.

Worst TV Show ever?

Apparently, the title of Worst TV Show ever belongs, surprisingly, not to one of the stupid Fox “when cars attack”. It was actually a CBS show (no..not Survivor Vanuatu..that’s apparently only a close second) but it was their most recent series debut “The Will” which is so bad we don’t even get to find out if the rich rancher guy dies before the end of the season (apparently, if he does it will be from embarrassment at having allowed CBS to talk him into doing the show)

So, if you’ve got an idea for a stupid mid-season replacement, CBS has room in their lineup, so send ’em an email..after all..its not like you can do any worse then “The Will”

Life isn’t fair

So, how come I never get assaulted by a Playmate? I mean, shouldn’t this have gone onto Pay Per View, instead of to court? Two women, name calling and a dance pole sounds to me like a porn movie plot then something that deserves 24 hours of community service…

Unless of course… the community service is re-staging the ‘fight’ for a camera crew =)

New Year, New Blog

Back on the first of the year, when I renewed our domains, I made the decision to switch to hosting them with Godaddy instead of just having them redirected to my .Mac space. So, I registered for hosting, spent a week trying to get Movable Type to run properly on GoDaddy’s servers (not as easy as it was to get it running locally). Gave up on trying to import all the iBlog stuff (I’m going to be manually re-typing all the old posts). And now, I’ve got the first post on a new Blog, running on New servers… I also set Janice up with her own blog, so make sure you pop over there every once in awhile to see what she has to say. Look for a post a little later detailing how I got MT to run on Godaddy, since from looking around while I was trying to get it running, there are quite a few people who ran into some of the same problems I did.