Star Wars: Battlefront

Aspyr announced yesterday that they will be porting Star Wars: Battlefront to the Mac, with an estimated release of June of 2005. The game looks good, you get to fight in pretty much every major battle that has happened in the SW films so far. And you can pick which side to be on, from choosing to be an Ewok throwing rocks at Stormtroopers, to battle droids slaughtering Jedi at Geonosis. I’m thrilled its coming out, and if I remember the release date of the Playstation/PC versions its only taking like 8 months to port it to the Mac…which isn’t as good as a simultaneous release, but its better then never being ported..

Now..if they would just announce that they are already working on the port for Knights of the Old Republic 2… so that it can be a close to simultaneous release with the PC version……