
So, Thursday I took the plunge. I’d been thinking about it for awhile, and finally decided to do it. It in this case, is Lasik eye surgery. I went through The 20/20 Institute. And while my eyes are still healing, so there is some fluctuation in vision, I’m pretty satisfied with the results so far.

At the moment, my eyes have been over-corrected, and I’ve gone from near-sighted to far-sighted. But, its getting better each day… Thursday after the surgery, I couldn’t focus on anything closer then probably 5 feet (right around there), Friday, by about 8 pm..I was able to focus on the computer screen (for short periods). Today, its better.

So far, the only thing that seems ‘worse’ is my night vision..I get really bad halos around lights, to the point where I don’t trust myself driving at night right now, but, that too is getting better each day.

Now… if Oakley would just hurry about and release the sunglasses that they are partnering with Motorola on (and hopefully, they’ll be real cool)

Donut! Donut!

So.. Saturday morning, Kael had been up for a little while, and we were playing in his room… out of the blue, he stands up..says “Donot” and heads towards the kitchen. He starts telling us repeatedly (and loudly) that he wants a donut for breakfast… We told him we didn’t have any donuts…but he didn’t really care, he kept repeating it, getting more and more agitated when we didn’t give him one (he started hopping from foot to was really cute actually)…so I took him to Krispy Kreme and got him a ‘donot’

This is really the first time that he’s gotten this worked up over a food. He’s gotten excited before, but we’ve always ‘suggested’ the food to him (asking him if he wants [food], or something like that)..this time, he just decided he wanted a donut and made sure we knew about it.

On a only semi-related note… we’ve updated the photo albums… you can see them here.

Survivor: Palau

Last night was the premier of the latest season of Survivor.

And as usual, we watched the first episode to see if there was anyone on the island that we liked enough to watch for the whole season (or until they get voted off)… and the answer… a big fat NO.

I think this series has outlived its entertainment value. We started watching towards the end of season 1 (I think.. it might have been 2)…and each season seems to get more and more…dull. The only ‘good’ seasons recently have been the All-Stars, and the season prior to that (and both of those mainly because of Rupert).

I think the way they started this season was interesting (all 20 contestants in one camp), but I think they ruined it, by separating them into two camps so soon..It would have been better to let the two full tribes interact together for at least the first couple of shows…and then separate them up.

And the one huge survivor question… how come none of these people practice starting a fire with sticks at about the same time they apply? have they never seen the damn show? do they not realize that they need to start a fire?

Kael’s 18 month checkup

Janice took Kael in for his 18 month checkup (the official followup to his ER visit is tomorrow with a real doctor)… He’s in excellent health..and the little guy was showing off for the PA…. Janice tells all about it here.

So..go read it (it saves me having to retype it.. and I get to see if Trackbacks are working)

… And back to the old

As much as I liked the style sheet the Firdamatic generated… It wasn’t consistent throughout the site (it only covered 2 of the templates used by MovableType)…so…its back to the old one…

I’m trying to teach myself enough CSS/HTML to redo the site myself.. so.. stay tuned… it could be entertaining to see how it turns out.. I also want to learn to take advantage of the dynamic publishing that MT 3 is capable of… so I’ll be playing with the site going forward (or.. I may do it the smart way.. and create a test blog to screw around on)

1 in 3 my a$$

so, the odds of winning a free song in the Pepsi/iTunes promotion are listed at one in three. Since its started, I’ve bought probably about 9 or 10 yellow top bottles (no 7-11 in my area has the fountain cups yet)….

and won… one song…

so…. to win one $.99 song…I’ve spent about $12.00 or so…. I think I’d be better off just buying an album from the iTMS…

New Look

As you can see… the appearance of the site has changed a bit. Before, I was using one of the free stye sheets from blogstyle. As I’ve been browsing around various Movable Type sites, I came across Firda’s Firdamatic, which lets you answer a few questions, pick some colors and then it creates a new CSS Style sheet for you (and until I screwed around adding in things like my link to the iTMS, it passed XHTML and CSS validation).

I had to make some changes to templates and CSS sheets that Firda provides, so I could add in all the ‘stuff’ that used to be on my sidebar. I just noticed this morning, that I no longer have a way for typekey users to sign in… so I’m going to have to go back through the templates to see what changed that took that out.

Overall..since I don’t know anything about CSS or XHTML (and very little about HTML)…the Firdamatic is a good way to make get a more unique looking site then what is out there for free templates/stye sheets. If you know as little about CSS and XHTML as I do..I recommend going to take a look at it.

Let me know what you think about the new look…

ER Trip

Kael made his first trip to the Emergency Room today…

He choked on a piece of bacon this morning at breakfast, he coughed it up…but then he started wheezing and coughing alot, so Janice called the Dr., and they told her to head on over to Children’s Hospital, so she did. I got there a little bit after her and Kael did…

After I’d been there about an hour, they took Kael for X-rays…but the x-rays didn’t really show anything that would be causing him to be a raspy and wheezy… so they had one of the Ear/Nose/Throat Drs come take alook.. and they decided that they needed to knock him out so they could stick a tube with a light and camera on it down his throat, so they could take a look and see if there was something causing the irritation..

Turns out… there was… Bacon… still… apparently, even though he’d coughed up the bacon he was actually choking on, he managed to inhale a few tiny pieces, which were causing the raspyness and wheeziness… the Dr. said she pulled out between 12 and 14 pieces of bacon.. they did bring them out to Janice and I in the waiting room..but, we didn’t keep that… we did keep the pictures from the throat tube though…


thats one of the ‘better’ shots, in that its really easy to make out the little piece of bacon thats blocking some of the bronchial tubes…

We finally got to go home after Kael had been there for like 9 hours or so…. I’m very happy with the result, and the treatment he got at Children’s… I just would have like for it to have taken a bit less time…

All things considered though, it taking 18 months (almost) for Kael to earn a ER trip is pretty surprising…I would have figured we’d have been in there several times by now…

Maybe not completely cancelled

While the fans of most soon to be (or already cancelled) TV shows stick to letter writing campaigns asking the appropriate studio/network to change their minds and renew the show, fans of the Enterprise are taking a completely different method of trying to keep the show up and running. They are attempting to raise enough money to pay for the production of the next season of Enterprise. Read more about it here, and here.

While the campaign is in its infancy…and the organizers are still hammering out the details (just little things… like how to accept the donations) the numbers that they are using make sense… they figure if 1 million fans each donate approximately $30.00, it will raise enough to pay for a season’s worth of production. Its a far fetched idea…but I think its a good one… once they get a donation method up and running, I’ll make my donation..

Hmmm… Kael doesn’t really need a college savings fund right? He can get a scholarship…so I can donate that money too….