ER Trip

Kael made his first trip to the Emergency Room today…

He choked on a piece of bacon this morning at breakfast, he coughed it up…but then he started wheezing and coughing alot, so Janice called the Dr., and they told her to head on over to Children’s Hospital, so she did. I got there a little bit after her and Kael did…

After I’d been there about an hour, they took Kael for X-rays…but the x-rays didn’t really show anything that would be causing him to be a raspy and wheezy… so they had one of the Ear/Nose/Throat Drs come take alook.. and they decided that they needed to knock him out so they could stick a tube with a light and camera on it down his throat, so they could take a look and see if there was something causing the irritation..

Turns out… there was… Bacon… still… apparently, even though he’d coughed up the bacon he was actually choking on, he managed to inhale a few tiny pieces, which were causing the raspyness and wheeziness… the Dr. said she pulled out between 12 and 14 pieces of bacon.. they did bring them out to Janice and I in the waiting room..but, we didn’t keep that… we did keep the pictures from the throat tube though…


thats one of the ‘better’ shots, in that its really easy to make out the little piece of bacon thats blocking some of the bronchial tubes…

We finally got to go home after Kael had been there for like 9 hours or so…. I’m very happy with the result, and the treatment he got at Children’s… I just would have like for it to have taken a bit less time…

All things considered though, it taking 18 months (almost) for Kael to earn a ER trip is pretty surprising…I would have figured we’d have been in there several times by now…