New Look

As you can see… the appearance of the site has changed a bit. Before, I was using one of the free stye sheets from blogstyle. As I’ve been browsing around various Movable Type sites, I came across Firda’s Firdamatic, which lets you answer a few questions, pick some colors and then it creates a new CSS Style sheet for you (and until I screwed around adding in things like my link to the iTMS, it passed XHTML and CSS validation).

I had to make some changes to templates and CSS sheets that Firda provides, so I could add in all the ‘stuff’ that used to be on my sidebar. I just noticed this morning, that I no longer have a way for typekey users to sign in… so I’m going to have to go back through the templates to see what changed that took that out.

Overall..since I don’t know anything about CSS or XHTML (and very little about HTML)…the Firdamatic is a good way to make get a more unique looking site then what is out there for free templates/stye sheets. If you know as little about CSS and XHTML as I do..I recommend going to take a look at it.

Let me know what you think about the new look…