Kael’s 18 month checkup

Janice took Kael in for his 18 month checkup (the official followup to his ER visit is tomorrow with a real doctor)… He’s in excellent health..and the little guy was showing off for the PA…. Janice tells all about it here.

So..go read it (it saves me having to retype it.. and I get to see if Trackbacks are working)

… And back to the old

As much as I liked the style sheet the Firdamatic generated… It wasn’t consistent throughout the site (it only covered 2 of the templates used by MovableType)…so…its back to the old one…

I’m trying to teach myself enough CSS/HTML to redo the site myself.. so.. stay tuned… it could be entertaining to see how it turns out.. I also want to learn to take advantage of the dynamic publishing that MT 3 is capable of… so I’ll be playing with the site going forward (or.. I may do it the smart way.. and create a test blog to screw around on)