
So, Thursday I took the plunge. I’d been thinking about it for awhile, and finally decided to do it. It in this case, is Lasik eye surgery. I went through The 20/20 Institute. And while my eyes are still healing, so there is some fluctuation in vision, I’m pretty satisfied with the results so far.

At the moment, my eyes have been over-corrected, and I’ve gone from near-sighted to far-sighted. But, its getting better each day… Thursday after the surgery, I couldn’t focus on anything closer then probably 5 feet (right around there), Friday, by about 8 pm..I was able to focus on the computer screen (for short periods). Today, its better.

So far, the only thing that seems ‘worse’ is my night vision..I get really bad halos around lights, to the point where I don’t trust myself driving at night right now, but, that too is getting better each day.

Now… if Oakley would just hurry about and release the sunglasses that they are partnering with Motorola on (and hopefully, they’ll be real cool)