
Ever had the desire to make your own iPod tv commercial? well, now you can.. and you don’t even need to go out and hire any dancers.. just get yourself one of these, and then grab your video camera and go nuts…

Just think…you can make your iPod dancer pull its own head of and dance around while singing to it…just like Jack Skellington!

Interesting Twist

Probably not what they had in mind when they started making sex offenders register via a publicly accessible database in California. Apparently, one of the registered offenders, decided to start using the database as a dating service! He would look up other registered offenders, find ones he thought were cute and proposition them to hook up…

M$ and iPods

Micro$oft has been pushing their pathetic little ‘plays for sure’ campaign (to try and convince people to buy a WMA compatible MP3 player), with little to no success.. turns out… they can’t even convince their own employees to go out and buy WMA compatible devices…. according to Wired, an estimated 80% of Micro$oft’s employees are sporting iPods around the corporate campus…gotta love it when even M$ employees won’t support M$’s stuff


No…not my hosting account, or anything like that…its really much, much worse!

read this! horrible isn’t it? I mean, I’ll admit not all of the episodes were keep you on the edge of your seat, non-stop action type of stories..but..none of the other Star Trek series have been that way either. I enjoyed the show, I’m sorry to see it go… so if you know the email address of anyone at Paramount or would be a good time to send them a note telling them to re-consider their decision!

Looking for a job?

There’s probably going to be an opening in Connecticut soon. Seems whoever is responsible for testing the Emergency Broadcast system made a huge mistake today…and actually activated the system and told the entire state it needed to be evacuated! I wonder if anyone actually tried to leave their job because they were listening to the radio and heard the evacuation notice…