Terry Schiavo

normally… I don’t spend alot of time talking about political things…because, I don’t find them entertaining, and I like to believe that at least part of the reason people read this blog, is because its entertaining…. that said.. I can’t avoid saying something on this topic.

But…because I like to think I’m entertaining… you’ll have to read the rest of the my opinion on this by clicking on the “continue reading link” so I can keep the political stuff off the front page…

Continue reading Terry Schiavo

Small breasts?

do you think you have small breast? Want to change that without messy surgery? How about changing it by chewing gum?

Yes.. you read that right…by chewing gum. Apparently, there is a japanese company making gum that they claim will “help enhance the size, shape and tone of the breast”… you can read an article about it here,

so… who’s going to try it and see if it really works?

Mac Viruses

David Coursey wrote an interesting article for eweek, talking about Mac viruses/malware, or more accurately, the lack thereof..

While I don’t agree with everything he says in the article (I don’t believe that any of the Mac OS’s security is due to the size of its installed base).. and it really annoys me that the editors at eWeek decided it would be good to pepper the article with links to articles they’ve ran in the past about Mac “security” issues (its not a OS security issue if they have physical access to the machine…. thats a case for needing better locks on your door).

Overall, what he says there echos what I’ve told my friends/family/co-workers/anyone within earshot for awhile now.. the main reason to run Anti-virus software is to play nicely with others..and prevent yourself from accidentally forwarding that email full of nasty windoze killing bugs on to every windoze user you know (if you want to intentionally forward it, that’s your call).

I’ve been using Macs off and on since 1984..and the only viruses I can ever remember having.. were microsloth Word macro viruses, and I haven’t seen one of those in years… the point? If you avoid M$ software.. you avoid viruses/spyware/adware/malware and just plain bad software..

More ecto/iTunesy goodness (this will probably be one of the last ones)

Never Gonna Stop (The Red, Red Kroovy) from the album “The Sinister Urge” by Rob Zombie

DOOM 3!!!!!

Its coming! it’ll be on store shelves on the 19th….

Now..if someone will just hurry up and buy me a new G5 so I can actually play the game… I’ve now hit the point, where games have way higher requirements then any of my Macs come close to hitting..

Not bad… almost 4 years…..and its only 1 game.. I can still play most of the other new games that are out there…


Couch Potato from the album “Poodle Hat” by Weird Al Yankovic

Adware company sues

So.. apparently Adware/spyware is really big on the windoze side, lots of companies make it, lots of companies make adware/spyware detection programs.. there are whole forums dedicated to talking about adware/spyware companies and the tactics they use…

Apparently the latest tactic the adware/spyware companies are taking, is to sue anyone that calls them adware/spyware/malware/suckysoftware.. for example, a adware maker called Hotbar is suing the makers of free email stationary/smileys… you can read it here.

So..maybe one of you windoze users can explain it to me… what does suing a stationary provider for calling your software adware/spyware/malware (when it IS adware/spyware/malware) accomplish?

Continue reading Adware company sues

Comcast and Tivo

Well..all the complaints I had about the Comcast DVR? a thing of the past.. or at least, they will be…next year some time…

TiVo and Comcast Cable announced today a deal that will have TiVo providing the software for Comcast DVRs… this, is a Good Thing. The only drawback…neither company is anticipating units with TiVo software to be available until sometime next year….Oh well… maybe someone will release a dual tuner HD compatible TiVo before then…

The good news, regardless of timeframe? my TiVo stock is up 52%!

More playing with the Ecto iTunes button:

Paradise City from the album “Can’t Hardly Wait” by Guns N’ Roses

New Jacket

I think I need a new jacket… and it looks like this one would do nicely.

I saw the original Burton iPod jacket…and didn’t think it was really worth the money..this one looks like it might actually be worth the asking price..since it does include the bluetooth stuff for your phone, making it work with 2 things that I always have with me…dunno if I’d pay the full $500.00 for it…but.. maybe when it goes on clearance sale…

umm… oops!

Talk about having your day go from bad to worse..

This guy, stole a car… and then…got caught on photo radar speeding in the stolen car…

that’s gotta make it harder to pretend that you didn’t steal the car…