Talk about having your day go from bad to worse..
This guy, stole a car… and then…got caught on photo radar speeding in the stolen car…
that’s gotta make it harder to pretend that you didn’t steal the car…
Talk about having your day go from bad to worse..
This guy, stole a car… and then…got caught on photo radar speeding in the stolen car…
that’s gotta make it harder to pretend that you didn’t steal the car…
Even the Linux guys… or more specifically… THE Linux guy… Linus himself has switched… sort of… according to this article, he’s running on a dual 2.0 Ghz G5 system…
Of the article he claims he only runs Linux on it…but I think he’s running OSX…and just doesn’t want to tell the Linux world he’s abandoning it for a lickable GUI…