Terry Schiavo

normally… I don’t spend alot of time talking about political things…because, I don’t find them entertaining, and I like to believe that at least part of the reason people read this blog, is because its entertaining…. that said.. I can’t avoid saying something on this topic.

But…because I like to think I’m entertaining… you’ll have to read the rest of the my opinion on this by clicking on the “continue reading link” so I can keep the political stuff off the front page…

Continue reading Terry Schiavo

Small breasts?

do you think you have small breast? Want to change that without messy surgery? How about changing it by chewing gum?

Yes.. you read that right…by chewing gum. Apparently, there is a japanese company making gum that they claim will “help enhance the size, shape and tone of the breast”… you can read an article about it here,

so… who’s going to try it and see if it really works?