Everyone is Switching!

Even the Linux guys… or more specifically… THE Linux guy… Linus himself has switched… sort of… according to this article, he’s running on a dual 2.0 Ghz G5 system…

Of course..in the article he claims he only runs Linux on it…but I think he’s running OSX…and just doesn’t want to tell the Linux world he’s abandoning it for a lickable GUI…

What Level are you?

Jodi had an entry about an online Dante’s Inferno Test, that is like the ‘purity’ tests that were popular years ago, only, this one decided which of Dante’s 9 levels of hell you’ll end up on… (9 is the worst…. I think that’s where Windoze developers end up)

I get to stop at the 6th level.. apparently, I’m not violent or suicidal enough to end up on any of the lower floors… go..take the test.. have fun!

Found it!

Well..ok..it wasn’t me that found it… Sarah (A girl I work with, and incidentally, one of the ONLY people I know who doesn’t come up when you google her name – must be something wrong with that girl), informed me where I can find the t-shirt I talked about here. Its a website called tshirthell.com. They’ve got some other cool shirts, I think I’ll be placing an order soon…

Irony Kills

Death by irony..

A man participating in a Avalanche awareness/safety class… was killed by an avalanche (story here). While I feel bad for the guy’s family, I can’t help but find humor in the actual situation… its one of those things you would expect to see in a bad movie, or maybe a TV show on FOX.

New Look (again)

As you can see..There is yet another new look for the site.

I took my inspiration from the style stuff generated by the Firdamatic that I tried earlier. So, armed with a basic idea, a book on movable type, and a book on XHTML/CSS I went to work. This is the end result.

Known problems:

Internet Exploder for Windows doesn’t support transparent PNG files (what I’m using for the title image) so it shows up with a background there.

Internet Exploder for Windows keeps sticking the right hand sidebar underneath everything else on the page.. instead of on the right hand side where it belongs…

If you see anything else that isn’t working right, send me an email, or leave a comment about it.

I was also playing with Movable Type’s dynamic publishing…but, so far, I haven’t been able to get that to work right. Hopefully, when Jay Allen’s Movable Type book comes out next month, it will have some info on Dynamic Publishing to help me out… Although..I suppose I could submit a trouble ticket to six apart and see if they have a quickie answer….

300 Million Served!

Apple announced yesterday (press release here), that iTMS downloads have passed the 300 million mark. Which means the iTMS is selling songs faster then analysts were predicting for this year. Apparently, there doesn’t seem to have been the predicted post-holiday slowdown. Which makes sense, since so many people bought iPods for the holidays..they need to fill ’em up now!

Go Steve!

Apple CEO Steve Jobs has has finished at the top of the Forbes CEO Approval Tracker for the 20th straight month with an approval rating of 95 percent for February. Behind Jobs were: IBM’s Samuel Palmisano (58%), Dell’s Kevin Rollins (41%) Sun’s Scott G McNealy (39%), and Hewlett-Packard’s Robert P. Wayman (17%).

(story originally posted on MacMinute)

Holy Shit!!!

I know… not exactly what you would be expecting for a title…but really.. it fits.

I’ve mentioned at least once in the past the fan run campaign to raise enough $ to pay for a season of Star Trek: Enterprise, to prevent its cancellation. In all the stuff I’ve seen online..there were always a bunch of people stating that it would never work, that people would never donate to a show… etc..etc..

There were some rallies this past week (mainly on Friday) at the Paramount studios lot, and other places worldwide… and they must have worked… according to TrekUnited (the site that is coordinating everything) over $3,000,000.00 has been raised…yes…you read that correctly..over three MILLION dollars has been raised so far. I’m making my donation on payday… have you made yours yet?