Go Danica!

Not only is Danica Patrick the only woman Indy race car driver, rookie of the year.. and cute.. she can apparently beat up the male drivers as well (or, at least one of them). It seems that after she was involved in a wreck in the last race of the season, she rode to the hospital with the other driver (who she claims caused the crash) Lazier (the other drive) initially claimed that Danica punched him in the head while in the ambulance… apparently, he came to his sense, and realized, that he had just admitted that not only is a girl a better driver then him, but that she beat him up too… and has since changed his story to agree with Danica’s statement about poking him in the head… SI’s article on it is here..

Hmmm…. maybe I should add Danica to the list of possible names for Vegas…