4 Month Checkup

We took Maryn in for her 4 month checkup this morning. Her vital stats today were:

11 lbs 12.5 oz, 24 3/4 inches, and 41cm head. So..she is a healthy, teeny, tiny girl. Her weight puts her in the 10th percentile, which means that like 90% of the kids in the USA at her age, are heavier then she is. Height was a little better… she is in the 25th percentile there..and her head size, puts her slightly above average in the 51st percentile.


Toddler Wisdom 17

“That’s Perfect!”

Said while I was hanging up a picture of the Denver Bronco’s Cheerleaders by my computer. For the rest of the time Kael was using the computer, he couldn’t take his eyes off the poster.

Kid’s got good taste the ’05 squad was full of hotties…