Time to move?

Hmm… looks like it might be time to relocate.. Montana looks good.  They’ve shown that they agree that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right, and are threatening to leave the union if SCOTUS rules otherwise when they hear the case later this year.   Interesting tact, they’re claiming that it’d be a breach of contract between the Feds and Montana, since the 2nd was represented as being an individual right when MT joined the Union.

It will be interesting to see what happens as the case goes on.

Scheduled Downtime

Dreamhost is moving the machine my site is hosted on to a new data center (ooooh.. shiny new digs!).  Therefore, the site will be down starting at 2200 Pacific on Friday the 8th, and going till at least 0600 Pacific on the 9th.

Ultimate Bra

Just when you thought bras were perfect, because they held boobs.. they get even better!

Now, you can get a bra, that will not only hold your girl’s boobs… but it’ll hold your beer as well!

From the article here:

The £20 polyurethane bladder can contain 750ml of liquid (a normal wine bottle) and boosts a woman’s chest by two cups.

can’t wait for this to start getting sold here in the states!