Wedding Contract

I saw this over that The Smoking Gun today…

And if you ignore the whole “on trial for kidnapping” thing.. the guy writes a pretty good contract.. I think as a belated anniversary thing.. I’m going to have Janice sign this..

Some of my favorite parts of the ‘contract’:

setting aside 3 hours every night for “my time”, and including specific don’ts that aren’t allowed during that time (Don’t raise your voice, don’t be condescending, don’t whine) along with specific Do’s (Totally obedient, Cheerful and adoring)

Selection of sleepwear (although, this is where some of the guys contract writing skills fall apart.. earlier on, he says that the wife must be nekkid within 20 minutes of the kids going to bed.. in the sleepwear section, he says the wife must be in her jammies within 20 minutes of the kids going to bed), really, he should have checked better for consistency..

Does make you wonder how the wife is not on trial for murdering him..I wouldn’t even imagine giving this to Janice (as anything other then a joke)