
Maryn spent this past Wedsnday-Friday in the hospital. We took her in to the Dr. because she’d been vomiting up almost everything she ate..the Dr. sent us to Children’s Hospital ER to get IV fluids so she wouldn’t dehydrate.

The ER did everything except hook her up to fluids… and eventually admitted her to the hospital proper.. we found out Thursday morning she had Pertussis (Whooping Cough). At her can be lethal! =(

She’s home, and doing ok.. an interesting tidbit we found out while in the hospital.. Colorado ranks 49th in regards to % of children vaccinated.. so.. people not vaccinating their kids… put mine in the hospital.

If you’re a parent.. Vaccinate your kid dammit! it protects EVERYONE….


angry at a couple of things right now-

1- Tivo – Yes.. they have a great product.. yes It’d be hard for me to give it up.. but c’mon guys..get your shit together.. you keep promising Mac support for TiVo2Go since its release over a year ago.. and your most recent update to the Tivo Desktop for Mac.. did shit.. absolutely nothing ( did make it so it could be installed under Tiger…and only about 6 months after Tiger came out.. good job guys! way to be responsive!) yet your executives keep spouting soon.. its been over a year..anything after a month doesn’t qualify as ‘soon’ so stop saying soon, and just admit that since you chose to use a craptacular DRM based on windows media player 10.. you’re never going to be able to give us this feature…yet you keep charging us for the same level of service as windows users.. so at least give Mac users a discount on monthly service, since we can’t use all your advertised features…

2 – – Don’t buy from these yahoos..ever.. I tried to order something from there on the 4th.. and they proceeded to promptly charge me.. but won’t ship the product, won’t respond to requests for information, and won’t cancel the order and refund my money either — so today.. I disputed the charge with my bank.. at least I’ll get my money back on this one.

3 – Parents that don’t vaccinate! see this