Firefly, Take 2

Ok.. so the second DVD showed up today (technically, yesterday I suppose).. and I’ve now watched 2 of the 4 episodes on it..which puts me at 5 episodes of the series..and..

I just need to know..where do I send my application paperwork for the Firefly cult? I’m hooked and ready to join…

Its still a quirky show..but it grows on you… I think I’ll be adding the DVD set to my Christmas/Hannukah list this year…its worth having..

Cool Case Mod

Normally.. Mac users don’t go into the whole case mod thing.. Our computers look cooler then most windoze boxes do, as soon as we open the cardboard box to take them out. But.. every once in awhile.. you see a good Mod… and this is one.

I need one of those..I don’t know what I’d do with it, since I really don’t need another computer right now.. but.. I need one of those! I mean really… How could I pass up on a Mac powered Millennium Falcon? That’d be like passing up on an iPod case that looks like a X-wing (oooohhhh.. has anyone seen one of those? I’d be in geek heaven!)