Odd Search result

I took a quick glance at the logs to see what kind of search queries were sending people here (besides the obvious ones like people searching on my name, or Kael’s name).

One caught my eye (I didn’t look at an extended period of time, I think it was just 1 day)

Coned shape boobs

Now.. this is not something I would have expected to have this site show up in the results for..so.. I Googled the phrase.. thinking I’d have to dig through several pages of results to find a hit from here.. nope.. I was wrong.. I was #7 on the list of results.. which, of course, made me look to see where I’d been talking about coned shape boobs (considering I would have spelt it correctly as cone shaped boobs)..turns out.. because I have Movable Type set to create a category archive page (which lists every entry ever written for a particular category)… I appear to have made fun of boobs and Con-Ed (the power company) in the same category.. so when Google indexed the page I appear to have been talking about oddly shaped boobs..I suppose I should be relieved that I didn’t show up further up the list of results, and beat out the erotic story that is the #1 result)

Video iPod

So, as everyone (who doesn’t live in a cave) knows.. a few weeks ago Apple introduced a revised iPod, with video playback capabilities.. I hadn’t said anything on it yet, because I was reserving judgement until I had a chance to see one in person. Yesterday, I was able to swing by the Apple store and take a look.

My first thought is that the screen looks big.. comparatively – I realize its only like 2.5 inches.. but because the iPod itself is so thin and narrow.. the screen looks bigger then it is.

The picture is also better then I expected for the screen size.. would I want to watch a full length movie, or even an episode of Lost on it? Nope.. I suppose it wouldn’t be bad for watching some of the short clips everyone gets emailed from time to time..but.. I think it’d be more work to get the clip onto the iPod, then it would be to just watch it on your computer.

I think the ability to hook the iPod up to a TV for video playback is good..I don’t think the demand is there to watch a lot of video on a 2 inch screen.. so.. this iPod will not be at the top of my want list.. of course, if someone were to buy me one, I wouldn’t refuse =0

3d Comparison

Having just had Vegas’ 3D ultrasound done.. we thought it would be fun to see how much alike the kids look…even before they are born.

Here’s Kael:


And here’s Vegas:


Look at the same pouty lips..same nose… these two look at lot alike…should be interesting to see if they keep that when she’s born.

Full album of Vegas’ 3D scans is here.

Farm Torture

Sunday, we took Kael back to Anderson Farms, so that he could play with his buddy Max, and his friend Debbie, since they weren’t able to go the weekend we originally went.. this time around, Kael decided to ride on the ‘tractor train’.. which, I’ve discovered is some sort of code word for parent torture…

See… here’s how it works.. you take a small tractor (like what you’d use to mow the grass, not one of the big “plow the field” type tractors) and rig up a ‘train’ behind it using 40 gallon plastic drums..

See.. so far.. doesn’t sound horrible right?

Then, you cut a hole in the side of the drum (you have them laying on their sides as train cars)…only.. you make sure that this hole is sized for people 3 feet tall and less..

Then.. you get kids to ride your contraption.. and get them to force their parents to squeeze in through this hole… and proceed to get stuck in very awkward angles.. and then hauled around the farm hitting every possible bump… all leading to an assortment of bumps, bruises, scrapes, aches, pains…

and then you get the kids to do it again, and again, and again… I’m telling you.. by end of ride three.. if I had known any top secret information.. and someone had offered me a padded seat.. I’d have told ’em everything I knew…


But… Kael had a blast… so.. I suppose it was worth it…

3D Ultrasound

Today (yesterday for those of you who actually use a calendar to determine what’s today, and what’s yesterday…) we went and got a 3D ultrasound taken of Baby Vegas (similar to the one we had done for Kael waaaaaay back when). We’ve got a bunch of pictures, a video (presumably with some really, really, cheesy music on it..we haven’t watched it yet).. and another confirmation that Vegas is still a girl.. here’s my favorite pic so far of the ultrasounds:


In case you’re having a hard time making it out, you should be able to locate (fairly easily, her hand, with two extended fingers) the portion of the image immediately to the right of that hand, is her face and head.. we’ve got pictures that show more detail on her face.. and I’ll put them up in a Gallery tomorrow..

First Post!

Kael wanted to help Daddy today.. so, here’s his first post to the blog (yes, I know its cheesy..and its been done before..but hey…)


Go Danica!

Not only is Danica Patrick the only woman Indy race car driver, rookie of the year.. and cute.. she can apparently beat up the male drivers as well (or, at least one of them). It seems that after she was involved in a wreck in the last race of the season, she rode to the hospital with the other driver (who she claims caused the crash) Lazier (the other drive) initially claimed that Danica punched him in the head while in the ambulance… apparently, he came to his sense, and realized, that he had just admitted that not only is a girl a better driver then him, but that she beat him up too… and has since changed his story to agree with Danica’s statement about poking him in the head… SI’s article on it is here..

Hmmm…. maybe I should add Danica to the list of possible names for Vegas…

Anderson Farms Year 2

Saturday, we took Kael up to Anderson farms, this is the second year we’ve taken him (obviously, since he’s only 2, it would be hard for us to have taken him 4 or 5 times now). This year, their corn mazes were setup to look like Dinosaurs (not that you can really tell when you’re inside the maze..but its cool anyway)

Kael had a blast.. we were supposed to be meeting one of Kael’s friends up there..but something came up, so they couldn’t be there this week.. He was running around.. he spent a little time in the hay maze (not as much as I had expected, especially since the hay maze at this place lets you climb up onto the maze). His favorite ‘attraction’ there, was a wooden ‘kid-size’ train with like 5 cars that kids could climb in and on… we had to drag him away!


We also let him pick his own pumpkin from their pumpkin patch.. the only rule he had..was that he could have any pumpkin he could carry.. so.. there were a few times when he would look at a pumpkin, go over to it, try and pick it up, say “nope, too heavy.” and go try another one… when he found his pumpkin.. he announced it with a “oh, its a perfect pumpkin!”

More pictures can be found here.