Pixar’s Cars opened on Friday. So, we bundled Kael up in his Cars Pullup, his Cars tennis shoes, his Cars shorts, his Cars shirt, his Cars backpack..and of course.. his Cars sunglasses (you seeing a trend here?), and headed off to the theater.
We were a bit worried..since Kael wouldn’t sit through the last movie we tried to take him to see (Curious George)..but.. he did great! sat through the whole thing.. got a bit antsy towards the end since it was a long movie..but he loved it.
I don’t see why it was getting lukewarm reviews from some critics (well..except for the fact that I’m convinced that in order to be a movie critic.. you have to not like movies, and know nothing about what makes a good movie). Cars was a good fun movie..I don’t think it was as good as The Incredibles..but it was easily up there with Finding Nemo/Bug’s Life/Toy Story.
Believable characters..good story… a few “adult” jokes.. of course there was Excellent CGI (Duh!).. Heck..it even has a decent soundtrack (with score on it from Randy Newman of course).. I should know.. Kael’s been wanting to listen to the soundtrack non-stop since we got it.
Kael’s favorite parts were (of course) the racing scenes..and he liked the tractor tipping.. he was a bit bored with the “love story” portion of it (That’s my boy.. fast action and tractor tipping!) but he liked the movie alot. Maryn seemed to like the car races too..but, thats probably more for all the colors that were flashing on the screen.
My only complaint is that the “I Killed a baby bumble bee” scene from the original trailer wasn’t actually in the movie… oh well..maybe on the DVD.
Also entertaining, was the short bit after the movie ended.. where pixar pokes a bit of fun at themselves through Car versions of Toy Story, Bug’s Life, and Monster’s Inc.
If you haven’t seen it already… go see it!