Category Archives: Just Stuff

Favorite Holiday

My favorite Holiday (well, ok, second favorite..nothing tops Halloween!) is coming up on March 14!

Thats right… its “Steak and a BJ day!”

The man’s answer to all that fru fru girly stuff we have to deal with on Valentine’s Day….

Official website here, and don’t worry ladies.. there are how to guides there for you (For both the steak and a BJ)… in case you think you need help with either one

She failed a what test?

You know.. sometimes you find the strangest things on the internet.. for example.. did you know that there was a Gender test? and, that its possible to fail it?

Its true… read this.

Yup.. failed the gender test.. so, does that mean she doesn’t have a gender? wouldn’t a gender test just have two results, Male or Female? Not pass/fail?

Say What?

Here’s a headline I bet you never thought you would see:

Paris Hilton cancels appearance over ‘objectionable’ jokes

Yeah… you read that right… the girl who’s “career” was pretty much started based on ‘objectionable’ material (you know, her infamous video work), is objecting to jokes that were written for her to tell..

My guess? They wanted her to make fun of her new best friend Brittany…complete with her exposing her self (never seen such an ugly c-section scar) to anyone that wanted to (or, didn’t want to) see it over the Thanksgiving weekend (I’m not linking to those pictures.. but, they’re really not hard to find)

Could it be, Miss “Anyone can spend the night in the Hilton” Paris is trying to reform herself? maybe remake her slut image?

Organized Orgasm

in what has to be one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while… some hippie in San Francisco wants everyone who gets laid on December 22nd, to think of world peace when they orgasm.

Yeah..right.. because thats what people are thinking about at that exact moment in time…


About 5 minutes ago, Blizzard released this press release:

IRVINE, Calif. — Blizzard Entertainment® today announced that the release date for World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusadeâ„¢, the highly anticipated expansion for World of Warcraft, will be in January 2007. By adding a few extra weeks to the development cycle beyond its original target date, Blizzard will be able to extend the closed beta test and further refine the new content that will ship with the game.

“We appreciate the enthusiasm surrounding World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and we’re excited about putting the finishing touches on all of the new content,” said Mike Morhaime, president and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We feel confident that the extra time spent polishing the game will result in the high-quality experience that our players expect and deserve.”

Blizzard began the closed-beta phase of testing on World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade earlier this month. The January 2007 release window will allow extra time for current beta testers to participate in the final stages of development and continue providing valuable feedback.

Further information on specific worldwide release dates, pricing, and other details will be announced in the near future.

The expansion must have some serious bugs if Vivendi (Blizzard’s parent company) is willing to pass up the Holiday season sales…

Hmm..maybe enough people will cancel their pre-orders, that Amazon will let me re-order the copy I ordered for Janice and they subsequently cancelled on me (apparently, they arbitrarily decided to impose a one copy per house limit, without telling anyone in advance)

New TV

For those of you who are starting to try and decide what you want to get me for Hannukah, or Christmas… here’s something for your list. JVC has introduced a new model HDTV… here’s a short blurb on it.


I convinced Janice to start playing WoW. She’s currently using the free 10-day trial to decide if she likes it.

Earlier tonight, she was playing while I was finishing up a Zul’Gurub run with my guild… and Kael decided he needed to teach her how to play. So he climbed up on her lap, and started pressing buttons to show her things, and moving her around.

He was having a blast playing with her, sitting there laughing and giggling while making Janice’s character run in circles and swim through the canals in Stormwind.. Which is better then the other night, when he was showing her how to fight monsters…

Now all 3 of us have characters….wonder what age I should let Maryn start to play?

WoW 1.12

Blizzard today released patch version 1.12 for World of Warcraft. You can click on “read more” to see the full patch notes.

I’m going to pick and choose.. first.. my absolute favorite new thing in 1.12:

Added support for controlling iTunes from within World of Warcraft. You can bind a set of keys for play/pause, next track, back track and volume up and down. read that right. Blizzard has incorporated iTunes controls as a Mac only feature with this release. I played around with it briefly on the test server. And it worked pretty good. Since I run in windowed mode most of the time so that I can control iTunes, this will be a nice change. It means I can go back to full screen mode!

This review is also the “rogue” review, so I get to re-spec my rogue for free… of course, my rogue is all of level 17, so, its not a huge deal to me. This part annoys me though:

Temporary item buffs (e.g. poisons, sharpening stones and shaman weapon buffs) will no longer persist through zoning or logging out due to technical issues. This feature is anticipated to be activated once more with the expansion.

This has been a bug with poisons since the game went live. They actually fixed it last tuesday… and then turned it off again the next day. Seems their hardware can’t handle it, and it made already laggy and slow performance, even slower and laggier…

You’d think that for the $89,700,000 a month that they’re pulling in ($14.95×6 million players), they’d be able to fix the problems with their hardware that have existed since release.

Hopefully, this patch won’t ‘break’ too many of my addons.

Continue reading WoW 1.12