I’m a Winner!

No I didn’t just win a 340 million dollar lotto.. or even a 3 dollar lotto, heck.. I didn’t even win a 1 dollar scratch ticket….. way back in August, my happy web provider Dreamhost was running a contest to have people edit up a short video they put online.. the grand prize for their contest was free lifetime hosting – at one of their ‘lower’ plans (even their lowest plan gives me way more disk space and bandwidth then I can actually use)… Today, they announced the winners, and no.. I did not win the grand prize.. or even the 2nd place..or the 3rd place.. all of those went to people that actually knew what they were doing when editing the movie..I won the consolation prize.. a free year of hosting! (and yes.. the consolation prize is better then no prize at all.. so don’t think I’m complaining) So.. now I’m not only a happy Dreamhost customer.. I’m a happier Dreamhost customer…

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