Toddler Wisdom 5

“Daddy’s Strange”

I dunno if its really Wisdom.. but..

We took Kael to the park today, and I was playing with him.. at one point, he stood there watching me play on the playground..turned towards Janice and said “Daddy’s strange” and then turned away and was shaking his head!

I was speechless… I couldn’t do anything except start to laugh..


This one falls under the ‘oops’ category. It appears FEMA needs to re-learn how to read a map… the latest FEMA flub? Sending 180 refugees (yes.. they are refugees..the dictionary definition for refugee is “One who flees in search of refuge..”) to Charleston West Virginia… the problem with this? They notified people in Charleston SOUTH CAROLINA to be ready for this group of people..

From the CNN article:

“There was a mistake in the system, coming out through FEMA, that we did not receive the aircraft this afternoon. It went to Charleston, West Virginia.”

A line of buses and ambulances idled behind him at Charleston International Airport as he described what happened.

No word yet what happened to the people once they got to the wrong Charleston.. hopefully they at least had some supplies handy…

Toddler Wisdom IV

“Polar Bears Bite”

Janice took Kael to the zoo, the Polar bear cubs were playing with momma bear.. apparently, one of the cubs bit momma.. followed by Kael attempting to reprimand the bear “Don’t Bite!” and momma bear smacking baby bear into the pool. I was relayed this one, as I didn’t get to go to the zoo, because I had to go to work.

Firefly, Take 2

Ok.. so the second DVD showed up today (technically, yesterday I suppose).. and I’ve now watched 2 of the 4 episodes on it..which puts me at 5 episodes of the series..and..

I just need to know..where do I send my application paperwork for the Firefly cult? I’m hooked and ready to join…

Its still a quirky show..but it grows on you… I think I’ll be adding the DVD set to my Christmas/Hannukah list this year…its worth having..

Cool Case Mod

Normally.. Mac users don’t go into the whole case mod thing.. Our computers look cooler then most windoze boxes do, as soon as we open the cardboard box to take them out. But.. every once in awhile.. you see a good Mod… and this is one.

I need one of those..I don’t know what I’d do with it, since I really don’t need another computer right now.. but.. I need one of those! I mean really… How could I pass up on a Mac powered Millennium Falcon? That’d be like passing up on an iPod case that looks like a X-wing (oooohhhh.. has anyone seen one of those? I’d be in geek heaven!)


9 years ago today.. I took Janice on our first date. We went to “The Taste of Colorado” a yearly event where different restaurants and vendors take over 4 or 5 blocks downtown, and you can buy tickets to sample all their different food. There are also a bunch of people down there selling things (they don’t take tickets.. they seem to want real money)

I never would have thought that that date would lead to me spending 9 years with the same person…

A lot of stuff has changed since then.. we’re married, got a kid, one more on the way.. we’ve moved a few times, had our share of ups and downs, we’ve had fights.

And while things haven’t always worked out the way we might have hoped… all in all, its been a good time, and I wouldn’t have done it with anyone else.

I love you Janice!

Katrina Donations

Since I’ve been having issues with AdSense ads showing up anyway for the last week or so (and since I haven’t had time to figure it out, I just pulled them from the pages). For now, instead of adding the ads back in, I’m putting up a “ad” for the Red Cross. If you haven’t already, please consider making a donation. I’m going to donate everything I make for September from my iTunes Affiliate membership, and try and make a personal donation as well.


The other day, some people at work were talking about Firefly. I mentioned that I hadn’t seen it yet, and was immediately shunned… well. .ok.. maybe not. But I was told to watch it. and since I have Netflix, I went home, and added the complete series to my rental queue (this is not like adding in M*A*S*H, or Stargate, or NYPD Blue) there are only 14 episodes in the whole series, which is 4 DVDs.. I just finished the first disc.. which had the first 3 episodes on it.
Continue reading Firefly