One of the shows Janice and I try and watch regularly (its one we TiVo) is CSI:Miami. Monday’s episode was about a bunch of college kids who get bored playing a video game, and decide to start playing the game in real life (they rob a bank, shoot people, take hostages.. get killed, shoot at cops, get killed.. that kind of thing)
Now, I think this episode was a bad one for them to do for a couple of reasons.. primarily, because it gives more ammo to the ‘violent games cause people to be violent’ crowd..these same people will now point at this episode and say ‘see.. it happened on CSI, and everyone knows they base their cases on stuff that really happens’. These people are clueless.. they are in the same league as these idiots, who are suing Blizzard because their kid jumped off a building.. supposedly while trying to recreate a scene from World of Warcraft (note, I play WoW.. and I have yet to see anything in the game that would make me want to jump off a building to try and duplicate it…)
News flash to all you ‘games are violent, it makes kids violent’ people.. you’re fucking morons.. teach your kids the difference between fantasy and reality.. if you or your kid is unable to tell the difference and does something stupid, its not the fault of the entertainment industry..its your fault, you have failed as a parent if your kid thinks that its a good idea to jump off a building because a video game character can jump off a building and not die. Its called personal responsibility people..if you do something stupid, its because you chose to do something stupid not because a video game, or a movie, or a book had a character in a fictional reality that did something similar.. this is as bad as suing McDonald’s because you ordered a hot cup of coffee and got hot cup of coffee, and proceeded to spill it in your lap…
don’t forget the idiots that say Music causes the problems… ’cause Ozzy taught me it was ok to bite the heads off bats so I do it all the time now..
which would explain the really, really weird lunches you bring to work