Potty time!

After his bath tonight, Kael asked if he could pee…. in the potty!

So, our little guy is taking his first steps toward potty training! And here everyone had been saying he would regress after Maryn’s arrival.. it appears to have spurred him forward instead.

His words upon finishing his business:

“And I didn’t need any help, I did it by myself. Can I have some m&ms?”

Picture Time!

Ok… so, here’s a couple of quick shots of Maryn:

Pre-bath.. all covered with baby goo


Bath Time!


And getting fed by Big Brother!


As soon as I finish going through all the pictures, I’ll get a gallery up of them.

New Arrival


She has made her arrival. The latest member of the family – formerly known as Baby Vegas is:

Maryn Jaina
19 inches, 7 lbs 15.3 oz
10 fingers, 10 toes – still a girl.
she made her arrival at 1553 MST (For those of you with clocks that stop at 12:00, that means 3:53 pm)

No pictures to post…as I did not bring either the cord, or the card reader for the camera.. so those will have to wait till I get home Thursday or Friday to get posted.

Mom and baby are both doing fine!

Last project

One project that Janice was really looking forward to doing with Kael while she was pregnant, was letting Kael paint her belly. Its also the one thing that just kept getting pushed off for one reason or another… obviously, tonight was our last chance..

So… here’s what they looked like when they started this little art project:


And…. here’s what they looked like when it was all said and done:


The floor and carpet both got their fair share of paint as well… and, while you can’t see it in this picture… Kael’s butt is covered in paint to (apparently, it wasn’t enough for him to paint the floor, he needed to sit on the floor to paint his butt)

Chanukah loot

We were originally going to do our Chanukah stuff on Sunday (the last day of Chanukah), but.. since Vegas is going to be making her arrival tomorrow, we did it tonight.


I’m sure this will come as a complete surprise… but Kael got the most stuph out of the three of us (I know… shocking isn’t it?)

Hilite of the evening? This conversation:

Me: “Kael, take mommy her present so she can open it.”

Kael: (while carrying the present he helped pick out over to Jan) “Here Nonny, I got you a radio, and it goes under the cabinets, open so you can see”

:sigh: Kid just doesn’t quite get the whole ‘surprise’ thing yet.. oh well.. should have expected it, since as soon as we bought it he went and told her what it was…. maybe next year he’ll learn to keep a secret!

Baby Time!

So.. after making a trip to the hospital on Christmas eve, since it appeared Vegas was going to make her appearance then (and of course, after we get to the hospital all Labor related activity stops, so the nurses can look at us like we’re insane)

Jan’s Dr has scheduled Vegas’ arrival for Tomorrow.. so we get to wake up early, and head to the hospital to be induced.

Guess its time to come up with a name huh?

Christmas loot

Kael made out like a bandit this year for Christmas. Lots of Thomas the tank engine stuff, lots of Bob the Builder stuff.. pretty much everything a two year old could want.

Img 3133

This is him screaming “Thomas Game! its a Thomas Game! Thomas Game!”

Jan and I did ok… She got knives (really, not sure who thought giving a pregnant lady sharp objects was a good idea), and other girly stuff. I got Firefly the series on DVD, and Serenity…

Kael got me a pair of lightsabers “so we can play star wars togedder daddy” What a sweet kid…

Girls get everything

Look, here’s more proof.

See.. now girls are even going to get built in MP3 players. From the article:

One boob could hold an MP3 player and the other the person’s whole music collection.

So..does this mean everytime your collection gets to big, you have to go in and get bigger boobs?

Wonder if they’ll put an iPod like scroll wheel in place of one nipple for controls… that’d be interesting…..