Guessing Game

Janice has setup a little guessing game, so you can guess when Vegas will make her appearance..

She has provided these tips:

Just some info to maybe help you out ~ Kael was born 3 days before his due date, he was 21.25 inches, 7 pounds 12 ounces, and he was born at 2:57 am. I am already a little more than 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Have fun!!

The website for the contest is here: The game name is BabyVegas

It does require an email address to register…

Point of No Return

Janice is now 35 weeks pregnant.. which means that Vegas could arrive at any time. We’ve been told by the Dr.s that they will not stop labor, should it start for any reason now (of course…they told us this after spending 12 hours stopping her labor – which is a whole other who knows if they mean it)

This has put Janice in a ‘hurry up and get it done’ mood…. she wants to finish up all the stuff we don’t have done (little things like pack the hospital bag, wash the baby’s clothes, pick out a name…)

So, last night at work, Janice sends me an email with a bunch of names on it that she wants my opinion on.. on the list was this:

Yoda Jade suggested by Kael. I think its the clear winner, and I think we’ll let Kael make the final decision