My son, the Geek

The first words out of Kael’s mouth this morning when he woke up?

“Can I have computer time Daddy, Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssssseeeeee?”

Ya gotta love the little guy… he’s mousing around, clicking and dragging with the best of ’em.. in fact, while I was at work yesterday, Janice sent me an email, telling me that Kael had did something to her computer and it had a message “processing file xx of xxxxx” and she didn’t know what he did to cause it (turns out.. he appears to have created an archive of her entire iTunes collecton.. smart kid.. knows you need to backup!)


If you experienced any problems getting to the site on Monday.. my hosting company was the ‘lucky’ recipient of not one… but multiple (I think it was a total of 3) Distributed Denial of Service attacks.. this caused multiple problems ranging from sites being unavailable to problems with email.. but.. they seem to have gotten it under control..

does make you wonder who Dreamhost pissed off though huh?