Santa ’05

We decided to take Kael to see Santa today (since its a weekday, there wouldn’t have been huge long lines of screaming children). And, surprisingly, he didn’t scream at Santa.. even talked to him, and let him know what he wanted for Christmas. Of course, we paid the outrageous price for the pictures (since Santa’s elves won’t let you take a picture of your own) And here it is:


Sex Rage?

I’ve heard of road rage before, and I’d imagine everyone has.. however this is the first time I’ve heard of ‘sex rage’.

Of course… I suppose if I got busted joining the mile high club… I’d probably be a bit upset about it to….

Some of my favorite bits from the article:

Asked about the J$3.8 cost of the tryst Mr. Howes said: “I just hope it was worth it.”

The couple, who were booked on a two-week holiday, were held by police in Bermuda and on Wednesday put on a flight back to Gatwick where they were arrested. Now the pair from Luton, England face being charged with air rage and the £34,000 cost of diverting the plane.

So, what can we learn from this? First.. apparently the Jamaican dollar is worth only slightly more then a peso.. since a 3.8 million dollar (Jamaican) fine is only 34,000 pounds.. which means its about $60,000.00 US dollars…

Second- for $60,000.00…. that had better have been the best sex this couple has ever (and will ever) have…. because.. can you imagine spending 60 grand.. to have bad sex?

Third- I’m not the only person that thinks that.. see the quote from the Jamaican airport manager above…

Could be worse though… it could have happened to this guy, who dated his mom online for 6 months without knowing it was here, and didn’t find out till the night of their ‘romantic rendezvous’…

My son, the Geek

The first words out of Kael’s mouth this morning when he woke up?

“Can I have computer time Daddy, Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssssseeeeee?”

Ya gotta love the little guy… he’s mousing around, clicking and dragging with the best of ’em.. in fact, while I was at work yesterday, Janice sent me an email, telling me that Kael had did something to her computer and it had a message “processing file xx of xxxxx” and she didn’t know what he did to cause it (turns out.. he appears to have created an archive of her entire iTunes collecton.. smart kid.. knows you need to backup!)


If you experienced any problems getting to the site on Monday.. my hosting company was the ‘lucky’ recipient of not one… but multiple (I think it was a total of 3) Distributed Denial of Service attacks.. this caused multiple problems ranging from sites being unavailable to problems with email.. but.. they seem to have gotten it under control..

does make you wonder who Dreamhost pissed off though huh?

Zoo Lights

In continuation of what has become a family tradition.. we took Kael to Zoo lights last night (someone was hoping that the extra walking would help spur labor, because she doesn’t want to wait till January….)


Kael’s favorite part seems to be the popcorn… although he did like the christmas train lights they had to..

Guessing Game

Janice has setup a little guessing game, so you can guess when Vegas will make her appearance..

She has provided these tips:

Just some info to maybe help you out ~ Kael was born 3 days before his due date, he was 21.25 inches, 7 pounds 12 ounces, and he was born at 2:57 am. I am already a little more than 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Have fun!!

The website for the contest is here: The game name is BabyVegas

It does require an email address to register…

Point of No Return

Janice is now 35 weeks pregnant.. which means that Vegas could arrive at any time. We’ve been told by the Dr.s that they will not stop labor, should it start for any reason now (of course…they told us this after spending 12 hours stopping her labor – which is a whole other who knows if they mean it)

This has put Janice in a ‘hurry up and get it done’ mood…. she wants to finish up all the stuff we don’t have done (little things like pack the hospital bag, wash the baby’s clothes, pick out a name…)

So, last night at work, Janice sends me an email with a bunch of names on it that she wants my opinion on.. on the list was this:

Yoda Jade suggested by Kael. I think its the clear winner, and I think we’ll let Kael make the final decision

Message from Kael


your guess is as good as mine what it says… probably “what happened to my message” as he has now learned that you can move items around on the dock.. so he just spent 10 minutes moving some of my dock icons around.. right up until he decided to quit one of the running programs and drag it out of the dock so it would do its little poofing trick and disappear..

Is it a bad sign, when you have to watch what your two year old does on the computer.. not because you’re worried about him browsing to a porn site (although, he does manage to move from one website to another pretty well.. Janice says he’s even started posting messages on one of the forums she’s on).. but because you’re worried he’ll drag something into the trash, and empty the trash on you?

Toddler Wisdom 10

Race that car Daddy!, We’re in First Place!

I’m beginning to think that there are lots of speeding tickets in Kael’s future… Of course, being the good parent that I am.. I do ‘race’ the car he’s pointing at when he says it.. so.. there’s bound to be more speeding tickets in my future to… hopefully, I’ll get pulled over by a cop with a toddler.. so he’ll understand and let me go without the ticket!