Category Archives: Kael’s Adventures

Santa ’05

We decided to take Kael to see Santa today (since its a weekday, there wouldn’t have been huge long lines of screaming children). And, surprisingly, he didn’t scream at Santa.. even talked to him, and let him know what he wanted for Christmas. Of course, we paid the outrageous price for the pictures (since Santa’s elves won’t let you take a picture of your own) And here it is:


My son, the Geek

The first words out of Kael’s mouth this morning when he woke up?

“Can I have computer time Daddy, Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssssseeeeee?”

Ya gotta love the little guy… he’s mousing around, clicking and dragging with the best of ’em.. in fact, while I was at work yesterday, Janice sent me an email, telling me that Kael had did something to her computer and it had a message “processing file xx of xxxxx” and she didn’t know what he did to cause it (turns out.. he appears to have created an archive of her entire iTunes collecton.. smart kid.. knows you need to backup!)

Zoo Lights

In continuation of what has become a family tradition.. we took Kael to Zoo lights last night (someone was hoping that the extra walking would help spur labor, because she doesn’t want to wait till January….)


Kael’s favorite part seems to be the popcorn… although he did like the christmas train lights they had to..

Message from Kael


your guess is as good as mine what it says… probably “what happened to my message” as he has now learned that you can move items around on the dock.. so he just spent 10 minutes moving some of my dock icons around.. right up until he decided to quit one of the running programs and drag it out of the dock so it would do its little poofing trick and disappear..

Is it a bad sign, when you have to watch what your two year old does on the computer.. not because you’re worried about him browsing to a porn site (although, he does manage to move from one website to another pretty well.. Janice says he’s even started posting messages on one of the forums she’s on).. but because you’re worried he’ll drag something into the trash, and empty the trash on you?

Toddler Wisdom 10

Race that car Daddy!, We’re in First Place!

I’m beginning to think that there are lots of speeding tickets in Kael’s future… Of course, being the good parent that I am.. I do ‘race’ the car he’s pointing at when he says it.. so.. there’s bound to be more speeding tickets in my future to… hopefully, I’ll get pulled over by a cop with a toddler.. so he’ll understand and let me go without the ticket!

First Sleepover

Saturday night, Kael spent the night at his Nana’s.. it was the first time he’s spent the whole night someplace else.

He did a great job..he went to bed ok, then he mostly slept through the night (he was only up once I got told). This is a good thing, it means that when we have to leave him at one of the grandparents’ house when Vegas is being born, that it won’t be a huge pain for him.

And, it means we can get a night or two to ourselves between now and Vegas’ arrival.

Kael is turning into such a big boy!

Conversation with Kael

I get this email at work tonight from Janice: (So..keep in mind when reading it that the ‘Me:’ is Janice..not Me)

Kael: “How do you feel, Nonny?”

Me: “I feel sick, Kael, how do you feel?”

Kael: “I feel like chicken with barBEcue.”

Another one a few minutes later:

Kael: “How do you feel?”

Me: “I feel sick, Kael, how do you feel?”

Kael: “I feel like crap”

And then ~

Kael: “How do you feel?”

Me: “I feel sick, Kael, how do you feel?”

Kael “I feel yucky, like Pepsi.”

Ya gotta love the kid… he’s hilarious!

Toddler Wisdom 9

“Go Faster Daddy!”

Followed promptly by “we’re racing!” Gotta love the little adrenaline junky that he is.. he even gets mad if I can’t go faster due to little traffic lights, other cars on the road..

Besides…Go Faster is always good advice…

3d Comparison

Having just had Vegas’ 3D ultrasound done.. we thought it would be fun to see how much alike the kids look…even before they are born.

Here’s Kael:


And here’s Vegas:


Look at the same pouty lips..same nose… these two look at lot alike…should be interesting to see if they keep that when she’s born.

Full album of Vegas’ 3D scans is here.

Farm Torture

Sunday, we took Kael back to Anderson Farms, so that he could play with his buddy Max, and his friend Debbie, since they weren’t able to go the weekend we originally went.. this time around, Kael decided to ride on the ‘tractor train’.. which, I’ve discovered is some sort of code word for parent torture…

See… here’s how it works.. you take a small tractor (like what you’d use to mow the grass, not one of the big “plow the field” type tractors) and rig up a ‘train’ behind it using 40 gallon plastic drums..

See.. so far.. doesn’t sound horrible right?

Then, you cut a hole in the side of the drum (you have them laying on their sides as train cars)…only.. you make sure that this hole is sized for people 3 feet tall and less..

Then.. you get kids to ride your contraption.. and get them to force their parents to squeeze in through this hole… and proceed to get stuck in very awkward angles.. and then hauled around the farm hitting every possible bump… all leading to an assortment of bumps, bruises, scrapes, aches, pains…

and then you get the kids to do it again, and again, and again… I’m telling you.. by end of ride three.. if I had known any top secret information.. and someone had offered me a padded seat.. I’d have told ’em everything I knew…


But… Kael had a blast… so.. I suppose it was worth it…