Mega Halloweeny Update!

Its that time of year! Halloween..this is obviously, Maryn’s first, so she got to come along on the ‘traditional’ Halloween time festivities.

We started off with a trip to Anderson Farms which has become a ‘must do’ part of our halloween events. We thought we’d outsmart everyone else, and go on a weekday so there’d be fewer people there… yeah.. didn’t quite work the way we thought it would. Fewer ‘normal’ people were there….but TONS of daycare/school type people were there…

Maryn started out looking for her perfect pumpkin:


of course, Kael had to get in on the action:


Continue reading Mega Halloweeny Update!


About 5 minutes ago, Blizzard released this press release:

IRVINE, Calif. — Blizzard Entertainment® today announced that the release date for World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusadeâ„¢, the highly anticipated expansion for World of Warcraft, will be in January 2007. By adding a few extra weeks to the development cycle beyond its original target date, Blizzard will be able to extend the closed beta test and further refine the new content that will ship with the game.

“We appreciate the enthusiasm surrounding World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and we’re excited about putting the finishing touches on all of the new content,” said Mike Morhaime, president and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We feel confident that the extra time spent polishing the game will result in the high-quality experience that our players expect and deserve.”

Blizzard began the closed-beta phase of testing on World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade earlier this month. The January 2007 release window will allow extra time for current beta testers to participate in the final stages of development and continue providing valuable feedback.

Further information on specific worldwide release dates, pricing, and other details will be announced in the near future.

The expansion must have some serious bugs if Vivendi (Blizzard’s parent company) is willing to pass up the Holiday season sales…

Hmm..maybe enough people will cancel their pre-orders, that Amazon will let me re-order the copy I ordered for Janice and they subsequently cancelled on me (apparently, they arbitrarily decided to impose a one copy per house limit, without telling anyone in advance)

Happy 5th Birthday!

Everyone’s favorite music player turns 5 tomorrow!

Thats right..the iPod will be 5! I’m sure there will be a big party, with cake and ice cream and everything 😉

In celebration, I think everyone should go out and buy new iPods!

New TV

For those of you who are starting to try and decide what you want to get me for Hannukah, or Christmas… here’s something for your list. JVC has introduced a new model HDTV… here’s a short blurb on it.

9 Months

we took Maryn in for her 9 month checkup on Monday.. she’s doing excellent.. still a tiny, tiny girl.. 16 lbs, 27 3/8″ tall.

She’s pulling herself up on everything, and cruising along while holding on to the couch, or anything else she can grab.

She’s going to be our little troublemaker. Kael never really tried to play with electrical outlets..Maryn is really fond of them.. everytime I turn around, she’s trying to either unplug something or stick her fingers in the socket… time to finish babyproofing the house I guess

There be teeth in there!

Little Miss has 4 teeth! We knew she had two coming in on the bottom, but we had no clue that she was also cutting two on the top at the same time! We didn’t find out about the top two, until she bit Janice, and left 4 tooth imprints in her arm.

Can’t get a picture of her top teeth..but you can see her bottoms here:


Little Photographer

Kael’s been taking pictures like crazy with his new camera…the quality of the pics isn’t bad, and he’s actually taking some good shots! here are a few he’s taken:

Of the elephant at the Zoo:


And of his sister at the Zoo:


And his favorite…the digger at the zoo:


Pirate Name

Arrrrr! Me Mateys.. don’t forget to be talkin like a Pirate T’day…. and get yer own pirate name here ya lazy land lubber!

My pirate name is:
Bloody Sam Flint

Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it’s the open sea. For others (the masochists), it’s the food. For you, it’s definitely the fighting. Like the rock flint, you’re hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you’re easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network


the new iMac arrived yesterday morning…so far, I’m still transferring stuff over and setting it up (I did make sure I setup WoW.. looks very, very nice.. with all my addons and mods installed.. I’m getting about 2.5 times the FPS that I was getting on my G5 iMac.. and thats with all settings cranked up. I’m gonna try it later with the default UI and see what I get)

Very fast, and very bright.. I’ve got the brightness on the new iMac set to one step above off, and its still brighter then the old iMac at full brightness… more after I get everything transferred over and can play with it more.

for now… here’s this shot to show the difference in size:
