Dentist Time!

We took the K to his first dentist appointment the other day… he got a glowing review from the Dentist, no cavities, good teeth.. yay!

Of course, the dentist says he thinks K might need braces….sigh..

time to start saving for braces…with my luck M will end up needing ’em to, and I’ll be paying off braces for the rest of my life…


Let’s compare a couple of quotes:

“Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA — ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.” -Heinrich Himmler


“Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of Americans to feel safe.” -U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein

See anything common between those two?

VA Tech fallout

Didn’t take long, on the same day as the shootings, the Anti-Gun Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy started trying to leverage the incident into a political grandstanding act for her Anti-gun legislation (she’s the anti-freedom person responsible for trying to renew the about to sunset gun ban, and she’s trying to modify it to include as many firearms as she can)

You can view her initial grandstanding attempt on her website here.

Continue reading VA Tech fallout

Its Good to have Goals

Or, so I’ve been told..and now.. I’ve got a goal for Kael.

I want Kael to win a trophy, and have it awarded at a Monster Jam show.. and, it looks like right now, there is only one contest that does that… This one.

I’m sure Kael can grow a better mullet then some kid in Georgia…

Favorite Holiday

My favorite Holiday (well, ok, second favorite..nothing tops Halloween!) is coming up on March 14!

Thats right… its “Steak and a BJ day!”

The man’s answer to all that fru fru girly stuff we have to deal with on Valentine’s Day….

Official website here, and don’t worry ladies.. there are how to guides there for you (For both the steak and a BJ)… in case you think you need help with either one

DST fix for OS X (10.0-10.3.9)

Apple has released a fix for DST for OS X (10.4), but they haven’t released one for the earlier versions of OSX (and, given that the ‘new’ DST goes into effect Sunday..they probably aren’t going to)

I found this while surfing around today… its a 3rd part DST fix for all the older versions of OSX (Yay for Unix underpinnings!)

He used a What???

Ok, I’m all for creativity and finding new ways to do things..but.. seriously.. this?

I mean, really? A torch? to rob a bank? You’re kidding right? I mean what’s the guy going to do if someone has a large glass of water? or a coke? or anything liquid?

I think the really sad part of this… is that the dude got away!

Missing In Action the posts have been.. well non-existant lately..

Blame really.. I got the expansion pack for World Of Warcraft.. and now I’ve been:

A) Trying to get my Mage to 70 (He’s almost 67 now)

B) Get my Rogue to 70 (She’s 56, I’ve stopped leveling her to concentrate on the Mage)

C) Farm up lots of gold to be able to afford a flying mount in 3 levels (not looking good so far)

D) Level up my poor ignored Druid (she’s like 26 now)

E) Level up my new Dranei (they’re in there low 20s)

F) Started a new guild…need to start recruiting soon so there are more then just the founding people in it.

I’m going to try and get better at lots of stuff I should have posted about what the kids have been up to.

Kids are Cheap

No really, apparently the market for slightly used children just isn’t what it used to be.. Seems an illegal alien sold her kid for $10,000…so she’d have a down payment for a car (and of all things, a Dodge Intrepid). You’d think if you’re going to get your car money by selling your kid you’d A) Get more then $10,000. B) get something cooler then an Intrepid… and C) drive said newly purchased car very far away, as fast as you can…so you don’t get caught for selling your kid..