She was what?

Apparently, the number of idiots in the world is in no danger of getting lower.

Out of Florida, we have this lady, who thinks “settlement would be nice”, because she was trying on a bra, and a construction worker saw her naked.

This raises a few questions:

1 – Why was she naked to try on a bra?  I did a quick survey of all the women in the house, and exactly zero of them get completely naked  to try on a bra.

2 -  From the article:

“Turner said she had recently had breast implants and was trying on bras at 10 a.m. last Wednesday when she spotted the man”

Ok.. so she just had fake boobs.. this means..everyone has already seen her boobs..they now look like every other pair of fake boobs out there!  And even if she hadn’t had fake boobs.. they are still just boobs.. get over it! You’ve got nothing that everyone hasn’t already seen before..

My favorite thing from the article is the picture.. it looks like her husband, who is supposedly “angry” that “there’s a guy out there who knows what my wife looks like naked.”  looks like he’s trying to avoid laughing his ass off while his wife talks about it..

Marines 1, Bear 0

Normal people, when confronted with a large carnivorous bear that wants to add them and their family to the lunch menu, defend themselves with guns, big ones.  This former Marine brought a stick to a gunfight.. and won.

He threw the stick (ok, small log) at the bear, managed to hit it in the head..and kill it… crazy stuff


watch this.

Whether you agree with the reasons we are fighting in the Middle East or not.  The Men and Women in our Armed Forces who are putting their lives on the line every day deserve your support.

Freedom isn’t Free.  I am glad that there are men and women out there willing to pay the cost.

Safari 3

One of the items released to the public at today’s WWDC keynote, was a public beta of Safari v3.. now bringing speedy W3c compliant web browsing to the boring ass windows platform.

Beta available here.. haven’t heard a actual release date yet.   The blurb about it look good, and I’ll be giving the Mac version a workout in a bit..